The substrate should be clean and sound, free of dust, loose particles, grease, oil and primers from previous membrane systems or bitumen. Bitumen or primers should be removed by shot blasting or mechanical means. Spalled concrete should be repaired by cutting out to sound concrete and patching with E.M.SUPER REPAIR. Cracks, holes and honeycombs must be repaired prior to application.
ABAFLEX-ECO is supplied in premeasured units. Slowly add the powder to the liquid and mix to a lump free smooth consistency. Do not add water or rework a stiffened mix by adding water. Mix sufficient material to use within 30 minutes.
Saturate the concrete’s surface with clean water. Apply the first coat while the surface is still damp but no free standing water. Apply using a short stiff bristle brush, rubber squeegee or roller at a rate of 1-2 mm. for walls and floors, depending on the expected water pressure. The required thickness is achieved by applying 2 layers, taking care that each layer is not thicker than 1mm. Leave the first coat to dry for 2-4 hours before applying the second coat. The second coat can be rubbed down with a soft dry sponge. Spray or trowel application is acceptable providing the mixing ratio is adjusted to achieve the right consistency. Leave the second coat of ABAFLEX-ECO to cure overnight before proceeding to conduct water ponding test.
ABAFLEX-ECO should be protected from high wind & intense sunshine. Keep moist for 3-4 days after application.